College Acceptance: Our Students have been accepted to top schools, including but not limited to: Rice University, Cornell, USC, Pratt Institute, WashU, Syracuse University, SciArc, University of Miami, SCAD, RISD, MICA, BAC, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Barnard College, Columbia University, University of Michigan, Northeastern University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Oregon, Tulane University, University of Florida, Clemson, CCA, University of Virginia, Penn State, Cal Poly, Drexel, Rutgers, University of Mass Amherst, Arizona State, Art Institute of Chicago, University of Chicago, Georgia Tech, University of Colorado Denver, and Virginia Tech.

Merit Scholarships: Our students have been received scholarships from the following schools, including but not limited to: CCA, Cal Poly, Cornell, Drexel, Harvard University, IIT, NJIT, Northeastern, Parsons, Pratt, SCAD, Art Institute of Chicago, Rice University, Sci-Arc, Syracuse, Tulane, U Miami, University of Michigan, University of Oregon, University of Pennsylvania, USC, and Yale University.

Competitions & Awards: Our students have received awards in design competitions nationally and internationally, including student competitions such as the Scholastic Art & Design Competition, the AFSF Design Competition, Regents University Design Competition, Florida State Fair Living Design Competition, and others…

Scholastic Art & Design Awards

Category: Architecture & Industrial Design

State: Florida (Miami-Dade)

Project: Three Follies

Congratulations to our GOLD KEY WINNER 2023!

Scholastic Art & Design Awards

Category: Architecture & Industrial Design

State: Florida (Miami-Dade)

Project: Museum Design

Congratulations to our SILVER KEY WINNER 2023!
