When you are applying to colleges or internships, it is important to have a portfolio ready. Students can upload portfolios or create links to their portfolios for applications. See our portfolio tips below.

College Acceptance: Our Students have been accepted to top schools, including but not limited to: Rice University, Cornell, USC, Pratt Institute, WashU, Syracuse University, SciArc, University of Miami, SCAD, RISD, MICA, BAC, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Barnard College, Columbia University, University of Michigan, Northeastern University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Oregon, Tulane University, University of Florida, Clemson, CCA, University of Virginia, Penn State, Cal Poly, Drexel, Rutgers, University of Mass Amherst, Arizona State, Art Institute of Chicago, University of Chicago, Georgia Tech, University of Colorado Denver, and Virginia Tech. Merit Scholarships: Our students have been received scholarships from the following schools, including but not limited to: CCA, Cal Poly, Cornell, Drexel, Harvard University, IIT, NJIT, Northeastern, Parsons, Pratt, SCAD, Art Institute of Chicago, Rice University, Sci-Arc, Syracuse, Tulane, U Miami, University of Michigan, University of Oregon, University of Pennsylvania, USC, and Yale University.


College Acceptance: Our Students have been accepted to top schools, including but not limited to: Rice University, Cornell, USC, Pratt Institute, WashU, Syracuse University, SciArc, University of Miami, SCAD, RISD, MICA, BAC, Harvard University, Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Yale University, Barnard College, Columbia University, University of Michigan, Northeastern University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, University of Oregon, Tulane University, University of Florida, Clemson, CCA, University of Virginia, Penn State, Cal Poly, Drexel, Rutgers, University of Mass Amherst, Arizona State, Art Institute of Chicago, University of Chicago, Georgia Tech, University of Colorado Denver, and Virginia Tech. Merit Scholarships: Our students have been received scholarships from the following schools, including but not limited to: CCA, Cal Poly, Cornell, Drexel, Harvard University, IIT, NJIT, Northeastern, Parsons, Pratt, SCAD, Art Institute of Chicago, Rice University, Sci-Arc, Syracuse, Tulane, U Miami, University of Michigan, University of Oregon, University of Pennsylvania, USC, and Yale University. 〰️

How can I create a portfolio for college applications?


1. Compile your student work. Select art and architecture projects from high school, summer programs, independent projects and extracurricular classes.

2. Rephotograph 3D work or scan 2D work at the highest quality possible.

3. Select your best projects for the portfolio.

4. Design templates or portfolio pages for your portfolio. Think about using a consistent font and color palette. Locate the text in the same place on each page.

5. Create a title page and bio page. Include your name, contact information, website link(s) and a brief paragraph about who you are on the bio page.

6. Organize your student work on your portfolio pages. You can include several images of each project. Include no more than 2 -3 pages of each project. 

7. Write descriptions of each project on a separate document and then add to the P. Include the materials used, the date created, and an explanation of your idea(s). 

8. Review your portfolio and ensure that you have your name on each page, a description for each project and excellent images of your work created during high school. 

9. For internships, send as a PDF packet (under 10 MB) with your resume and cover letter. Send your email of interest during spring break before summer break.

10. For college applications, review each school’s portfolio requirements and formats. Typically, colleges and universities require between 15-20 pages and in jpg or pdf format. Create different portfolios that meet each respective school’s requirements and organize in separate folders to be ready for upload.