Diversity Statement

Discover Architecture.org believes in a diverse, inclusive, and equitable educational community that is critical for preparing students to participate in a diverse and interconnected society. We challenge ourselves to regularly evaluate and refine curricula, policies, and practices, and to commit the appropriate resources to ensure our organization embraces diversity. Our organization is dedicated to providing resources on Architecture and Design to students of all backgrounds and to promote diversity in our community.

Discover Architecture.org seeks to respect all community members and our multiple identities:  among them race, age, gender identity and expression, ethnicity, family composition, ability/disability, learning styles, religion, sexuality, and socio-economic status. By celebrating and honoring our respective identities, cultures, and systems, we aspire to develop a sense of belonging and for our students and members, in order to bring about positive change in the world.

In support of diversity, inclusion, and equity, our

Discover Architecture.org community commits to:

  • Respect everyone in our community

  • Trust each other to be respectful

  • Share our opinions and listen to others’ opinions

  • Ensure representation of a diverse community of students, members and professionals

  • Gain insight from different perspectives and experiences

  • Check our biases and endeavor to overcome them

  • Celebrate our community’s diversity

  • Nurture a safe educational environment

  • Cultivate belonging and connectedness